Dale M.
It looks alright on the surface, generally clean & food is good. My issues were with both the owners, Erik & Adam. If Matthew, the administrator is no longer there, I'd look elsewhere unless you’re ok with dealing with two duplicitous & condescending narcissists (my experience as a woman).
All staff and visitors are forced to wear masks at all times regardless of extreme heat & absence of any mandates. It is detrimental to deprive elderly residents of seeing anyone in their home with a smile or any facial expressions, 24/7. Lead staff generally pretty good but burnt out which inevitably carries over into level of care. Residents spend nearly all their time in front of TV w/little engagement. I suggest your loved one is easy to care for, compliant & wheelchair bound (mobility is not supported or encouraged), otherwise they may become resented and/or neglected, as was my father.
My father was indeed challenging at times with advanced Alzheimer's, agitated and combative w/some invasive handling, more difficult at 240 lbs for small caregivers. I get that it could be frustrating and challenging but Erik held the threat of kicking him out over my head nearly the entire 9 months he was there and acted as though he resented me for his condition; my father seemed merely an inconvenience to them. I constantly lost sleep over this. The lack of concern & compassion toward me was shameful. They caused me so much undue stress when finding & paying for such a place should provide the opposite. I was there nearly every day. I even showered him there myself 2x/wk for several months before hospice came on board. Furniture is old and awful, bathroom is incredibly dysfunctional but remodeling (which would make it so much easier for residents and staff) does not seem a priority or concern..
My father's teeth were not brushed for months resulting in serious dental issues after keeping all his own teeth for 88 years, which could have been avoided had I been informed. They stopped taking him to activities & bathing/cleaning him properly resulting in rashes & bed sores requiring medical attention. They never informed me that they were not providing this care until I noticed changes or when symptoms arose. He required more help getting up and down toward the end so they'd just leave him in the recliner all day; all alone during activities and never sitting at the dining table throughout his stay despite my requests. One man with dementia moved in who was very angry and difficult to deal with. They left him in his room alone nearly the whole time. He lasted only a couple weeks before he died there.
About a half dozen disgruntled employees who had worked there for 13 years all walked out without notice one day. THIS SPEAKS VOLUMES. Fed up with being taken for granted and advantage of, denied vacations being the final straw.
One staff member raised her voice at a resident saying, "Your husband is not coming to get you! Your husband is DEAD!" This was one of several similar incidents I witnessed with her. When I tried to talk to Adam about this, he merely made embarrassing excuses, completely brushed me off & made me feel as though I was in the wrong for bringing this to his attention! I don't know how this is remotely ok in your world. Sorry, no. This is inexcusable, period.
Erik is burnt out & UNstable. Unraveled, he yelled at me in the midst of his very awkward & literal tantrum right after I brought my father back from the hospital, feeling sad and overwhelmed already. His behavior was shockingly unprofessional & embarrassing. Almost worse, he completely denied having done so the following day! Tread lightly, don't talk back, don't question anything they say. Smile and nod your head in agreement while they both drone on AD NAUSEAM. It was a horrible, hopeless feeling being at the mercy of these two men’s passive aggressive personalities when the care of my loved one is already so difficult and heartbreaking. All of this while paying $10k/month!
This lengthy, honest review has met with threats on other review site but I must stand by it.